We have just rolled out a new student handbook, which you can view any time at saylor.org/handbook

Those who have been around long enough to be quite familiar with Saylor Academy won’t notice too much that has changed, but here’s the news:

We have removed references to the ePortfolio.
We have clarified guidelines on maintaining more than one account, particular regarding exams.
We have added a general statement on accessibility.
We have refactored the links at the end to provide more context and organization.

This new edition of the handbook (May 2016) should also be available as a link within each course syllabus.

Particularly if you are a new or recent student — or merely bored, curious, or a voracious reader — take a look! Let us know how we might improve this handbook to be as useful as possible to new Saylor Academy students.

Banner image: Made in GIMP with assets from wordcloud.com and The Noun Project