You may have heard about our Saylor Summer School project, where we decided to run a group of our courses with closer support and more social learning.  And…you may not have enrolled (things happen, we guess…but you missed out). For all of you, here’s the quick version!

We have resources available to help you while looking for a new job (particularly you, recent grads) or if you’ve already found the job of your dreams and want to make the best impression possible.

Check out these videos for a “survey” or sample of the workplace-related resources within our Summer School courses (cross-referenced with some other Saylor goodies…aren’t we nice?).  Our resources are like a certain potato chip…we bet you can’t have just one. 🙂

Looking for your Dream Job? (Grads, we are talking to you!)

See also: PRDV 101: Job Search Skills

Resume Writing


Elevator Pitches


Found a New Job?

Communication (Really, check out all of BUS210 or PRDV002: Professional Writing)


Want to become your own boss?


Photo Credit: vancouverfilmschool via photopin CC BY 2.0