Text: "fact vs. fiction"Good morning, and happy Tuesday — for those of you coming off a long weekend (US Labor Day), hope it was a good one! In this week’s news roundup, we explore some myths and facts in the realms of education and online learning.

Executive Director of Global Teacher Education, Dr. Caitlin Haugen, extolls the social and economic benefits of international and foreign exchange students studying at American schools (Disappointingly Rare in Schools of Education | Education Week). Haugen highlights the “global education major initiative”, which encourages international students to pursue education as a field of study, and the benefit of bringing visiting international scholars — teacher-practitioners — to teaching programs.

Five bad education assumptions the media keeps recycling (Washington Post)
Next up, Alfie Kohn dispels five media myths (rather, assumptions) about education. Among them, the idea that learning is often portrayed as a “prerequisite to making more money after one graduates.” Kohn points to data which indicate that “highlighting the monetary benefits that education can bring…could very well discourage youths from fully engaging with learning.”

K-12 Online Learning as a Life Skill (Education Week)
Last but not least…believe it or not, online learning is not just a fad (good to know, since it’s been happening in various forms for nearly twenty years). On the contrary, enrollment continues to skyrocket. One clear benefit? Exposing students to e-learning before their college years.

Have a great week! In other news…

March on Washington Inspires Educators, 50 Years Later (Education Week)
Museums, Researchers Shifting to Online Science (Education Week)
Obama Singles Out For-Profit Colleges and Law Schools for Criticism (Chronicle of Higher Education)