We have hinted at a few speakers and are now quite excited to bring you our agenda for the Saylor Higher Education Summit next month. As promised, the Summit focuses on how we can educate/train people toward employable skills while lowering cost, increasing access and exploring alternatives to traditional credentials.

We gathered the word cloud at the top of this post from registrants themselves, by surveying topics of interest.

A few spaces are still available; join us by requesting your invitation information!

Saylor Higher Education Summit

Looking at the Degree and Beyond: Lowering Cost, Increasing Access, Exploring Alternatives

Summit F.A.Q.s

Is the Summit focused on replacing the degree?

No. Degrees are important; however, they aren’t the only credential available. Students, employers and even institutions of higher education are turning to different learning formats and awarding alternative credentials such as badges, certificates, stackable credits, portfolios, etc. We are looking at the degree and beyond to discuss how to prepare all education stakeholders (students, advocates, higher education, employers, and more) to create and assess systems that are truly accessible to all.

Where are the OERs (Open Education Resources)?

While OER isn’t referenced in the Summit title, it is the foundation of Saylor Academy’s work and therefore an underlying thread of the event. We will have sessions and speakers that directly address OER uses in higher education, as it is very important to the goal of lowering the cost of education. Our commitment to OER use and advocacy remains strong.

Check out the agenda and request a space at the Summit!