Not too long ago, we announced the new Communications area of study. We added a tile to our homepage, and we were oh…so…close to glorious rectangularity.

Today, we are pleased to announce that we have achieved that goal with the addition of the Professional Development area of study. You can check it out here.

Now, this one’s a little bit different. We’ve divided this AoS into three programs:

  • Workplace Skills
  • Job Search Skills
  • Career Development

Courses in the first program are each meant to take about 3 hours to complete, while courses in the second program are meant to take about 30 hours each to complete (we suggest a budget of 3 hours per week over 10 weeks).

We’ve got 21 all-new courses slated.

11 of those are largely ready to roll, comprising:

PRDV001: Computer Skills And Literacy
PRDV002: Professional Writing
PRDV003: Word Processing Using Microsoft Word
PRDV004: Spreadsheets
PRDV101: Job Search Skills
PRDV103: Interviewing Skills
PRDV104: Professional Etiquette
PRDV201: Accounting Principles I
PRDV204: Payroll Applications
PRDV301: Introduction to Paralegal Studies
PRDV401: Introduction to Human Resources Management

Take a look, and let us know what you think!