So, your boss asks you to write a memo on your most recent business trip to a conference. But you haven’t written one before. (Or maybe you have, but you want a little bit more practice?) Then relax, because PRDV002: Professional Writing is our iTunes U course o’ the week.
In just 3.5 hours, learn how to write memos, emails, proposals, and presentations that will wow your boss and co-workers, and persuade them to get on board with even the wildest schemes.*
If you want the complete professional development package, 5 others are available on our iTunes U channel.
If you prefer the PC version, then you can always find PRDV002 here at We’ve got 39 additional courses to enjoy on iOS (including four more professional development courses), and all of those plus 243 more to dive into at via your favorite browser.
*We don’t guarantee your bosses’ or colleagues’ support for your wildest schemes.