To the smart, dedicated, totally awesome Saylor Community–

I’m both excited and sad to announce that I will be stepping down from my post as Director of the Saylor Foundation at the end of this month.  My family and I have decided to relocate to our hometown of Houston, Texas!  The search for a new Executive Director is already in the works and has been going splendidly.  Please stay tuned– when we have news to share on this front, you will be the first to know!

I’m beyond proud of our team’s accomplishments to date — the creation and distribution of 300* free & open courses spanning grades K-20 and Professional Development, the formation of multiple university partnerships and promising pathways to credit, and the cultivation of a community of over 450,000 students visiting resources per month!  Most notably, the new Executive Director will inherit the coolest, most well-intentioned, creative and committed employees and content developers that any organization has ever seen!

Thank you so much for this incredibly rewarding experience.  I honestly consider the opportunity to help build this program a gift.  I’ve learned so much personally and professionally from our team in DC.  And as for the community that Saylor serves — I’ve been more inspired by your stories of self-empowerment and enrichment than I could have ever imagined.  There have been many twists and turns over the past 4 years, but our mission has always remained the same– to give everyone everywhere the opportunity to learn.  We are witnessing the complete transformation of education at all levels right before our eyes…and it’s not slowing down anytime soon!  We, at Saylor, have just been excited to be some part of this change.  And I’ve been honored to be a part of Saylor!

— Alana Harrington

*We’ve got some waiting in the wings!