
“Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed.”
— Kahlil Gibran

In other words, art is good and good for you, and a fantastic supplement to your steady diet of STEM classes. So, if you’re interested in art as it is manifested in the lifestyles, spiritualities and philosophies of some African societies or you’re just looking to expand your aesthetic, rejoice! ARTH304 African Art is now available on our iTunes U channel. This course will teach you to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of transitions in the national geography of the African continent from the 17th century to the present;
  • demonstrate an understanding of the ethnic diversity and distinct cultural traditions among the peoples of Africa;
  • identify and discuss materials and techniques employed in the creation of a range of African artistic and architectural works;
  • discuss the functions and meanings of a range of African art forms; and
  • identify traditional styles and forms strongly associated with particular cultural groups.

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