Naif Bajunayd is a determined Saylor student in Saudi Arabia. We asked him to share his experience earning his many certificates. 

*This interview has been edited slightly for clarity*

SA: How did you hear about Saylor Academy?

NB: I heard about Saylor from my friend.

SA: What course was your first course and why did you choose it? 

NB: My first course was Strategic Information Technology. It sounded interesting.

SA: Once you obtained your first certificate, what inspired you to complete another 13 courses?

NB:I want to receive a lot of certificates and keep them for the future.

SA: Which course was your favorite and why? 

NB: I liked all of the 14 courses I completed, as it is good for me to learn more and save something for later. It is good to take all the ideas from them.

SA: Would you recommend Saylor Academy to others? 

NB: Yes, I recommend Saylor to others.

SA: What are your career goals? 

NB: I have a lot of goals in mind. But, I would like to keep that my own project.

SA: What’s one way you think we can improve upon? 

NB: I guess you are doing pretty good right now but you should add more courses for others in future.

SA: We are working on that!

SA: Do you have any advice for people joining the online learning community? 

NB: Yes, I would like for people to take online courses that will help them to find a job; and don’t leave anything behind if you want to take it. It will be helpful to you, and your experience will be so important to others in the future.

We are constantly working to continue providing free education to lifelong learners like Naif. Read more of our student interviews here and find all the information on our courses here.