Saylor Academy courses are used in the award-winning “Project Finishline” degree completion program at the University of Memphis.  

University of Memphis Global has collaborated with FedEx to offer eligible employees the opportunity to earn a tuition-free, fully online degree through LiFE: Learning inspired by FedEx.

We are honored that our courses are able to help so many like Temprest achieve a major goal in their learning journey! 


Saylor Academy: Hello Temprest! How did you find out about Saylor Academy?

Temprest Smith: I found out about Saylor through my advisor/coach with the University of Memphis. My employer FedEx offers a program where they will cover the cost of the employees’ tuition when the employee enrolls at the university. There is a set amount that my employer can legally pay each year for each employee. Due to me not wanting to stop for breaks, my advisor recommended courses to be taken at Saylor that would satisfy my degree requirements, at no added cost. Also, the courses through Saylor Academy allowed me to study at my own pace. That was great due to my workload and being a single parent. It was also a bonus in allowing me to continue my degree program without any interruptions.  

SA:  Which Saylor college credit courses have you completed and which one was your favorite? 

TS: The two courses I completed with Saylor were ‘Human Resource Management’ & ‘Global Justice’. I honestly enjoyed both and actually learned a lot from both courses. 

SA: What are your career goals? And how has what you learned/the skills you obtained through Saylor Academy prepared you to achieve those goals?

TS: The knowledge that I have learned can be applied to my daily routine at work and with my small business. The courses have taught me how to implement policies and procedures correctly, and how to handle certain obstacles in a professional manner. My career goals are to tackle both of my businesses aggressively and to move up within my organization at FedEx. 

SA: Do you have any advice for adults looking to finish their degrees or return to school?

TS: Yes, my advice would be to check with their advisors immediately to come up with a solid plan that will guarantee them to finish school. What I mean by that is, I was a student that was out of student loan money, so I could not take out any more loans. The financial aid that was left available for my schooling was not enough to get me to the finish line. Once my advisor looked over my previous credits, discussed my financial obligation, and looked at the monies that my employer allocated to me, we were able to come up with a strategic plan. That included taking a few courses through the Saylor program at no cost. If I would have taken those particular courses through the university, not only would it have had to come out of pocket, but the expense would have caused me to not complete my degree due to the financial obligation. I advise anyone to check out programs such as Saylor’s. 

Temprest Smith: "If I would have taken those particular courses through the university, not only would it have had to come out of pocket, but the expense would have caused me to not complete my degree due to the financial obligation." Share on X

SA: How has Saylor Academy and the flexibility of our courses helped you in your journey to complete your degree?

TS: As a working single mother, Saylor allowed me to dedicate the time needed, at my own pace. That was a big help in being able to complete my courses. That took the pressure off of meeting deadlines right away. It gave me the flexibility to succeed. 

SA: Would you recommend Saylor to others looking to finish their degrees?

TS:  Absolutely. I recommend this. I have already told others that they should check it out. 

SA:  Now that you are finishing up your degree, what are your plans for the future?

TS: I graduated from the University of Memphis on August 7th. I am now excited to put the skills and knowledge that I have gained into my businesses and grow within my company FedEx.

Are you a college or university administrator?

Connect with Jackie Arnold at [email protected] to learn more about this program and to arrange an introduction to the relevant University of Memphis staff.